It only takes one spark to ignite a fire!

Welcome to the Kindling Project, a collective that amplifies female voices. Join our community to pursue your passion project. Experience the power of connection, the magic of collaboration, and the beauty in creating.

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Our podcast explores real-life stories of women who have overcome barriers to put their Kindling Project out into the world. Get inspired to take action towards your next big idea.


Visit our shop where we’ve curated goods and designed original content to further your Kindling Project. Discover and support female creators. Take the next step.


Join our online community of women who challenge each other to take risks and realize their dreams. Share your Kindling Project and get real-time feedback.


Our virtual and live events connect you with likeminded entrepreneurs, creators, and dedicated mentors. The Kindling Project builds stages for women.

Join our community

The time is now to ignite the fire within. 

Join a private women-only community of kindred spirits, fanning the flames of our dreams. No matter where you are on your journey, there’s room for you at our campfire.

Share your story, ask for help, or just tell us about your day. We are listening and building this together.

Listen. Subscribe. Follow.

Recent podcast episodes

Hey there, life can get pretty rough, huh?

We've all been there – looking for a quick fix to our problems, but let's be honest; they don't exist. Trust us, we've tried! Procrastination and excuses are go-to coping mechanisms. Getting stuck in this cycle is too easy, but what if we told you there's more to life?

What if we showed you a different way – a path that empowers you to take control and explore what sets your soul on fire? This isn't something you can wave a wand and make happen. It's going to take effort and dedication on your part.

So, let us ask you this – do you believe you're worth it? Because we sure do. What do you say – are you ready to take that first step? 

Let’s stay connected